License Info

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Unless otherwise stated, all material on the Dark Pages created by DarkPhoton Ashatar is under the following license:

This material may be freely viewed/ copied/ modified/ mirrored/ printed/ sold/ bought/ traded/ cached/ etc. There are only six restrictions:

- Credit must be given to the original author **. "-Authorname" at the end will suffice.
- If the material is sold *, a pre-arrainged percentage of the proceeds must go to the author. This percentage will be common to all vendors except the author.
- If the material is sold, the author can set a minimum price. This price will be common to all vendors, excluding the author.
- The author may bar certain modifications and may bar certain vendors from selling the material IF there is a valid reason. Increasing profits is not a valid reason.
- By default, any modifications to this material will fall under this license as well. This requirement may be waived by special permission of the author.
- The material may not be transferred to a medium which impedes fair use (example: DVD video) without permission by the author.

Note: the author may clarify this legal agreement at any time. However, it cannot be drastically altered.

* Ad banners do not count as "selling". Selling is defined thusly: when, realistically speaking, a user must pay to view the material.

** The author may transfer part or all rights/privileges in this agreement to a committee. These rights will not transfer back except for a special vote of two-thirds or more of the committee members.


Please note that some material on the Dark Pages is not created by DarkPhoton Ashatar. This material is not covered under this license. Also, the Dark Pages links to many other sites. These sites are not covered under this license.


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