Scott's AOL FTP Tutorial

(mirrored and modified by DarkPhot'n Ashatar)


How AOL users can update their account (especially if they aren't ftp experts).

Go to keyword: FTP
on AOL.

- Click "Go to FTP".
- Click "Other Site".
- Type in your sitename (example: "").
- Check "ask for login and password".
- Click "Connect".
- Type in your login name (theboardcomic) and password (check your email).
- Double-click "Workspace", the folder.
- There will be two files, indextemplate.html and dailytemplate.html. You change the look of your front page by editing these files. To edit a file, download it (highlight and click "download now"), and open it using a text editor (or open it using a browser, right click in the browser, and choose "View Source").

For information on keentags, check the tagtorial.
Basically if you don't know what something in *** *** does, don't change it. Remember, your indextemplate will look Sort Of like your actual page, except instead of your comic and buttons, itshould say ***todays_comic*** and ***next_page*** and so on.

Upload your comics to the comics directory (in workspace, using the upload button after double-clicking "comics"). Make sure somewhere in the name of the comic it says the date like this "YYYYMMDD" like 20011103. Make sure to use 4 digits for year, 2 for month, 2 for day. Like "board20011103.jpg". To make a rant to go with a certain comic, type it in AOL as a new text file, save it as a html file with the same name as the comic (board20011103.html), and upload it to your "comics" directory.

If this is too simple for you, just use an FTP program like CuteFTP, or whatever HTML editor you want. If you need more help making a "cool" page, check keyword "HTML", learn HTML, or get a good html editor (or, make your page using angelfire, then copy it to keenspace).

Your page should be queued to update at the time you set when you first joined. If you want to update it in an emergency, go to "" and choose "site maintenance". Either way, it will update as soon as you get to the front of the lineof comics waiting to be updated.

~Scott Lawrence
